AC Repair in Edmond: How to Keep Your Cool All Summer Long

As the summer sun blazes over Edmond, OK, the last thing any homeowner wants is for their air conditioning (AC) system to falter. Not only is a malfunctioning AC inconvenient, but it can also transform your comfortable sanctuary into an unbearable hotbox. A&T Mechanical, a leading HVAC service provider in Edmond, brings you essential tips and insights to ensure your AC runs smoothly throughout the sweltering summer months.

Understanding the Importance of AC Maintenance

Regular AC maintenance is not just about preventing breakdowns; it's about efficiency, longevity, and comfort. An efficiently running AC unit cools your home faster, uses less energy, and significantly reduces the chances of unexpected failures. Before the peak of summer heat arrives, a thorough check-up can save you time, money, and discomfort.

Signs Your AC Might Need a Repair

  • Unusual Noises: Banging, whistling, or grinding sounds can indicate mechanical problems.

  • Weak Airflow: A noticeable decrease in airflow could point to a blocked condenser or failing motor.

  • Warm Air: If your AC is blowing warm air, it might

be low on refrigerant or have issues with the compressor.

  • Frequent Cycles: Your AC should cycle on and off periodically. If it's cycling too frequently, it might need a tune-up.

  • High Humidity Levels: Part of your AC's job is to moderate humidity levels. Sticky or clammy air could signal a problem.

DIY Maintenance Tips

While some repairs require professional attention, there are several maintenance tasks you can perform to keep your AC running efficiently:

  • Change or Clean Filters Regularly: Dirty filters restrict airflow and reduce efficiency. Check your filters monthly and replace or clean them as needed.

  • Keep the Area Around the Unit Clear: Ensure the outdoor condenser unit is free from debris, foliage, and clutter that can obstruct airflow.

  • Check Your Thermostat: Sometimes, the issue is not with the AC itself but with the thermostat. Ensure it's working correctly and consider upgrading to a smart thermostat for better control and efficiency.

  • Inspect Insulation on Refrigerant Lines: The lines running from the evaporator on the indoor unit to the condenser outside should be well-insulated. If the insulation is damaged, it needs to be replaced.

When to Call A&T Mechanical

Some AC issues need the expertise of professionals. If you encounter any of the following, it's time to call A&T Mechanical:

  • Refrigerant Leaks: Handling refrigerant requires special training and equipment. If you suspect a leak, professional service is necessary.

  • Electrical Issues: Any problems with the AC's electrical components should be addressed by a qualified technician.

  • Major Component Failure: Issues with major components like the compressor or evaporator coil are complex and require professional repair.

Preventative Maintenance Plans

One of the best ways to ensure your AC runs smoothly all summer is to sign up for a preventative maintenance plan. A&T Mechanical offers comprehensive maintenance plans that include regular check-ups, cleaning, and early detection of potential issues. These plans not only extend the life of your AC but also improve efficiency and performance.

About A&T Mechanical

A&T Mechanical has been serving Edmond, OK, and surrounding areas for over 40 years. We pride ourselves on delivering top-quality HVAC services, including AC repair, maintenance, and installation. Our team of certified technicians is committed to ensuring your home remains comfortable no matter the season. We understand the importance of prompt service, especially during the heat of summer, and are dedicated to providing solutions that fit your specific needs and budget.


Don't let AC troubles ruin your summer comfort. By following these maintenance tips and knowing when to call in the professionals, you can enjoy a cool and comfortable home all season long. And when in doubt, A&T Mechanical is here to help with expert advice, reliable repairs, and preventative maintenance services designed to keep your system running at its best.

Remember, regular maintenance is key to avoiding sudden breakdowns and ensuring your AC unit’s longevity. Stay ahead of potential issues and ensure your system is prepared to handle the summer heat efficiently.

Is your AC ready to take on the summer? Contact A&T Mechanical today for a comprehensive inspection or to learn more about our preventative maintenance plans. Let us help you keep your cool all summer long, ensuring your home is a haven of comfort and relaxation.

Caleb Roche

Located in Edmond, Oklahoma, Caleb is a Marketing Consultant that helps businesses build better marketing strategies. Combining strategy with implementation, he focuses on building long-term customers through data-driven decision-making. With experience working with both small and large companies, he has the experience to help businesses create strategic marketing plans that focus specifically on each business’s strengths, not just a one size fits all/template-based strategy.

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