How to Maximize the Efficiency of Your AC During the Hottest Months


Summers can be scorching, and as the temperature rises, so does our reliance on air conditioning systems. It's a godsend for many, providing relief from the relentless heat. However, running the AC at full throttle can take a toll on energy bills. If you're concerned about keeping cool without burning a hole in your pocket, here's how to maximize the efficiency of your AC during the hottest months.

1. Regular Maintenance is Key

Before the peak summer season hits, it's crucial to ensure your AC is in tip-top shape. Regular maintenance, preferably by a professional, ensures that:

  • The filters are clean, allowing smooth airflow.

  • The evaporator and condenser coils are free of dirt and debris.

  • The coolant levels are optimal.

These measures ensure that your AC works efficiently, providing maximum cooling with minimum energy consumption.

2. Seal Your Home

Air leaks can be your AC's worst enemy. If your home isn't sealed properly, the cold air escapes, and the hot air infiltrates, forcing your AC to work overtime. Ensure:

  • Doors and windows have proper sealing strips.

  • Cracks or gaps in walls and ceilings are fixed.

  • Insulation, especially in attics, is optimal.

3. Opt for Smart Thermostats

Modern problems require modern solutions. Smart thermostats adapt to your lifestyle and cool your home based on your needs. They can:

  • Learn your daily routine and adjust temperatures accordingly.

  • Be controlled remotely using smartphones.

  • Provide energy consumption reports, helping you identify wastage.

4. Use Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans circulate the cold air generated by the AC, ensuring even cooling throughout the room. This allows you to set the thermostat a few degrees higher, resulting in significant energy savings.

5. Avoid Heat Build-up

During peak hours, avoid activities that generate heat, such as cooking on the stove or using the dishwasher. If possible:

  • Cook during cooler hours or use the microwave.

  • Use heat-generating appliances at night.

6. Shade Your Windows

Solar gain (or the greenhouse effect) can heat your interiors rapidly. Using shades, curtains, or blinds can block out the sun and keep the interiors cooler. Consider investing in:

  • Reflective window films.

  • Blackout curtains or blinds.

7. Upgrade If Necessary

Sometimes, the best way to save in the long run is to invest in the present. If your AC unit is over a decade old, it may not be as efficient as newer models. Modern AC units are designed with energy efficiency in mind and can lead to substantial savings.

8. Adjust the Temperature

It might seem counterintuitive, but setting your thermostat to the coldest setting isn't efficient. It's better to set the thermostat to a comfortable temperature. For most people, this is between 74°F to 78°F when they're at home and awake and slightly higher when they're away or asleep.


Staying cool during the summer doesn't have to be an expensive affair. By taking a few proactive measures and ensuring that your AC runs efficiently, you can enjoy a comfortable environment without dreading the monthly energy bill.

Looking for a professional to give your AC a summer-ready tune-up? Contact A&T Mechanical for expert services, ensuring optimal cooling all summer long.

Caleb Roche

Located in Edmond, Oklahoma, Caleb is a Marketing Consultant that helps businesses build better marketing strategies. Combining strategy with implementation, he focuses on building long-term customers through data-driven decision-making. With experience working with both small and large companies, he has the experience to help businesses create strategic marketing plans that focus specifically on each business’s strengths, not just a one size fits all/template-based strategy.

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